Learn acting for film and television

I found a great article and video from ezines.com which was really interesting. The link to this is: http://www.vfs.edu/landing/acting/?ga=actingschoolscanada&gclid=CO3ilvTu_6ACFQuB5Qodqn0RzA

The article is about a Vancouver Film School for learning in film and television acting. In one year, you can learn the study of movement and voice, improvisation, method acting, on-camera skills, audition technique, and the business, you will leave prepared to walk on to any stage or film set.

A break down in what core assets you can get from the school is

What you will learn

Script interpretation
Visual effects shoot
Film workshop
Television workshop

Collaboration with a veteran director
Location Shoot final project
Audition techniques
Marketing for actors

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