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Film and Television Cluster SlideShare

Learn acting for film and television

I found a great article and video from which was really interesting. The link to this is:

The article is about a Vancouver Film School for learning in film and television acting. In one year, you can learn the study of movement and voice, improvisation, method acting, on-camera skills, audition technique, and the business, you will leave prepared to walk on to any stage or film set.

A break down in what core assets you can get from the school is

What you will learn

Script interpretation
Visual effects shoot
Film workshop
Television workshop

Collaboration with a veteran director
Location Shoot final project
Audition techniques
Marketing for actors

GTA Film Strengths

The GTA Film Cluster has three strentghs

The first one is competitive dollar, the second one is Diversity and the last one is innovation

Support Systems for GTA Clusters

There are a couple of support systems for the GTA Film Cluster. The Toronto film and television office, Mayor’s Toronto Film Board, Ontario Media Development Corporation and FilmOntario.

GTA is also going green

-Film and television industry wants to be more environmentally friendly

-Green screen Toronto is trying to bring environmental practises towards GTA film and television clusters


A new and innovative movie watching experience. The IMAX theatre which created its own industry, created a new experience for people that want to watch something past 2d films. IMAX coverts Hollywood blockbuster film from regular 35mm film to IMAX Format.

GTA Stats

After researching some key notes from this site, I found some interest facts about the clusters.

some interesting points I read about were:

-clusters adds $1.1 billion into the economy anually

-Toronto was ranked top 10 North American cities with independent production

-the film and television industry in Toronto employs 25000 + people

Well known films

The GTA is well known for their brilliant film and television production. Two of the major films made in the GTA were X-men and the Cinderella Man.


The new series called FlashPoint is directed and shooted scenes in Toronto. This is a Canadian film that uses the scenery of all over Toronto area.  They rented out space in our actual Markham Campus from all the equipment and vehicles. I walked over there and started talking to one of the cast members. I started talking to him of what it was about and what he does in for the show.

Library puts Toronto on Movie Map

-Business formed to help film and tv production companies find Toronto locations which are closing down.

-The library compromised 700 000 images in GTA

To learn more about this visit the link below:

Seneca Film and Television

At the Seneca Markham Campus, they offer a course on film studies to educate them on the techniques on movie making and styles.

Here is the actual website for the film and television program

From taking this program in the past, I can say you learn a lot from this program and learn many new techniques.

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